Online Diploma Courses

Below are some institutes/web portals who offer free online diploma courses.

Stanford University
Stanford University is the world’s leading university located at California USA that offers free online courses for anyone, anywhere, any time. To get enroll in the course you have to follow number of steps. Please login on the page ( and register yourself for the course in which you are interested.

MIT Open Course ware
It is the wish of almost all students in the world to get admitted in Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) the world’s top ranked University. Now everyone from everywhere can take the Courses of MIT though MIT Open Course ware. They publish their material freely and openly on internet. Website:

Open Course Ware (OCW) Consortium:
Open Course Ware Consortium is another online resource from where students can get their online courses freely. They basically organized educational material of good quality colleges and universities as courses and available them online. Website:

The world two best Universities i.e. Massachusetts Institute of Technology and Harvard University made a partnership to make their classes online for free for all the students around the world. Website:

Open Yale Courses
Through Open Yale Courses everyone can have access to the course taught in Yale University. No registration is required for the courses; you just have to visit their website given below. Website:

The Open University
If you are looking for undergraduate courses the best resource for everyone is the Open University and the most exciting feature is that you do not require any prior qualification and experience for taking any course. Website:

In Free EdNet web resource there is a collection of courses and tutorials where a user can take any course freely, no registration is required, simple visit the page and start working on any course you select. Website:

Online Education Database
Online Education Database is a web resource where 10,000 online courses are available free of cost, these course are designed by highly reputed Universities. You have to just visit the page search for a course and start your learning process. Website:

Annenberg Learner
If you are a teacher and want to enhance your teaching skills the most suited online resource is Annenberg Learner. Website:

University of the People
University of the People is University that offer free distance learning free of cost (tuition fee), form there web portal you can access the reading material and can take courses. Website:

GCF Learn Free
There are more than 750 lessons available online where user can visit and learn those lessons, these lessons are based on technology and Math’s. Website: